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Video Game Controller


My Story

I am a young Game Designer kick-starting his way into the industry. I’d like to share my story in this industry. All of my hobbies growing up had some sentiment in games, designing them just always seemed like the most logical evolutionary step in my life, taking the next step forward into the creative industry that I’ve always loved. I grew up playing on my Nintendo GameCube and would play Super Smash Bros. Melee every Friday night after school was over for the week. There was never any other time quite like the times when I could sit and enjoy these fantastic experiences in my early childhood. As I grew, I began more and more interested in games as a pseudo art and started looking deeper into the fundamentals of what makes each video game unique. I learnt about Genre, the eastern and western demographics, AAA titles, common business practices and procedural game developing. My Curiosity had been peaked in the Creative Industry for the first time in my life. Going into my teens, it wasn’t long before I was a fully devote self-proclaimed Video Gamer. My Favorite genre would end up becoming role playing games (RPG’s) such as Skyrim, Borderlands, Final Fantasy etc. It was the stories the captivated me that most, the message and creativity behind each was truly inspiring. I worked hard to get where I’m at now, ready to plummet into this business. I possess the necessary Creativity and Adaptability to flow with a rapidly evolving industry. I am incredibly passionate and greatly motivated who has a profound sense of initiative. I’m a rational thinker, which contributes to my problem-solving ability and I advocate strongly for innovation in the Creative Industry and I am proud and eager to take part in any and all endeavours. Hence forth I learnt my way here and I am now competent in Visual Studio C#, The Unity Engine and more. I like to think I’m quite friendly and enjoy the company of others. However, I always want to take full responsibility for my role and for my tasks that are assigned to me and demonstrate initiative and a higher order of thinking, rationalizing and problem solving. I’m very opinionated, I absolutely love to discuss and debate different topics and ideas and am not afraid to take risks during a discussion, I want to hear what other people have to say then offer my own two cents. That’s all about me, I’ve loved video games all my life, I worked hard to get where I am, I believe I have the capabilities necessary to survive the rapidly evolving industry and I absolutely love to debate, be it for innovative ideas or old, tame or crazy I love to see what people have to say about them.

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