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Have a look at some of the projects I've worked on. Play them yourself!

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Mystic Veil: Tales of the Other Side

Follow the Story of a Wandering Traveler, as you vanquish demons and vicious enemies which will not hold back. Discover a very mysterious story which will be revealed the further you delve into the worlds rich history. Invoke powerful elemental spells to pulverize and destroy anything that may stand in your way.

Scary Game

Scary Game is Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure game addressing and making light of the criticisms of horror stereotypes through the use of satire and cultural perspectives. A brilliant blend of Film and Video game medians. Experience a motion picture from a new perspective. Make the decisions, carve out your own path and survive the attacks of your somewhat unique dis-positioned predator. You got to act fast or he will get you.

Seat Sim

Note: VR Game Compatible with HTC Vive

You are an ordinary person in a wheelchair, you live an ordinary life and it’s time for you to get up and go to work. As an ordinary person in a wheelchair, you are plagued with inconveniences pertaining to your mobility. Travelling is no longer trivial but a trial. Public transport persists to get in the way of your journey despite your over reliance on it. You must see this ordinary person to their destination.

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Hipsters Stole My 90's

“Hipsters stole my 90’s!” : An Over the Top, Shoot-em-up Successor to the game “Zombies Ate My Neighbours” about preserving the bygone era of that time against the obnoxious forces of “Millenials” that plague the modern day New-York streets.

Collection Inclination

You, the player take the role as the “Wing man/woman” that is assigned to couple up those who are looking to mingle.  As the winger you are to pick and choose among a group of candidates and match two people who you believe would be a perfect match for each other in this Tabletop Card Game. A quest for True Love and it is your destiny to see it done before the rest of the competition takes the mates.

Kingdom Sleight

Kingdom Sleight is a fast paced, real time strategy card game with LAN multiplayer capabilities, and a loose medieval fantasy theme. This was created as part of a group project in a team of four members, over a period of 6 weeks.

Games: Projects
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